Meetora for Governments

Today‘s digitalized world has created new issues for governments to face – but it’s also delivered new tools to face them with.

With Meetora, you can increase efficiency in your internal communications and make government services more available to the taxpayer than ever.

Modern Government

• Modern Communications Eliminate Wasted Time
Private Communities put all of your official communications in one place. Directories allow your employees to find their coworkers. One-directional channels and broadcasts make email blasts a thing of the past

• Bring Citizens Closer to those Who Serve
Public Communities make each government service available to the public with the tap of a finger. Public channels and broadcasts make diffusion of important information quick and easy. Integrate chatbots to handle simple queries and help citizens get in touch with the right people.

• Portray Digital Competence
Increase trust in government institutions by making them more accessible and visible.

• Local Deployment Keeps Your Company Secure
Meetora is committed to not sell our users’ data when deployed on our servers.Optionally, deploy Meetora on personal servers or at a data center of your choice.


Get Connected.

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our products or services.

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